Thursday, July 10, 2008

A new route home and a bike commute buddy!

Wednesday was intense for working out. I biked to work, walked roundtrip downtown, and played a soccer game. I'm a little sore today...

But I did test out a new route home from work. I went down Broad (on the sidewalk, though I saw 2 bikers use the road - whoa). Instead of taking Dexter, I headed up Eastlake. The hill really wasn't too bad. Not nearly as bad as I expected. I continued across the University Bridge. Here's where I was unsure - I wanted to cut over to campus and go up 20th. For lack of a better idea (and to get off 11th), I cut over on 42nd across the Ave and up by the law school. This certainly wasn't the most efficient route, but it got me off busy streets. I got home in 45 minutes, which was faster than going all the way around to Fremont and to U Village on the Burke.

Next time (Saturday), I'm thinking of going home on Dexter to Fremont, but using the bike lane up Stone to Green Lake and then going east on 65th. We'll see how it compares!

Erin just got a new job in Belltown, so we're hoping to bike commute together sometimes. It will be nice to have some support and a buddy. That really ups my motivation.

Looking forward to lots of riding this weekend: to work on Saturday, to Bothell on Sunday, and to Issaquah to visit Dave at work on Monday. If I still have it in me (let's hope so), I'll bike in with Erin on Tuesday. Whew! Wish me luck!

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