Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm alive! Yes, it's me!

Hello everyone! Wow, I made it and I'm not dead! :)

The ride was HARD. I definitely pushed my body to the limits and then some more. On the 4th day I was fighting back tears. My swearing increased exponentially with the hills. When the 5th day (into D.C.) turned out to be 45 miles of hills before the easier 20 into the city - oh yes, it turned out to be ANOTHER 66 mile day - I really wasn't sure if I had it in me. But, I made it.

Would I do it again? Not likely! Was it a good experience? Definitely. I met some totally amazing girls who helped me through everything - exhaustion, a flat tire, one hill climb after another, frustration with the "gearheads" (experienced riders blowing past us). I'm proud of myself for sticking with this all the way through for so long. You all know what I've gone through with training, buying gear, fundraising, making travel arrangements, and actually riding. I did it!

Currently I'm at Sarah's and sooooo comfy. Today I'm taking it easy and I'll be working on the blog. I'm going to write a post for each day and I have a few pictures (it was hard to take a lot). My friend took more pics, so I will post those as I have them.

Just wanted to let everyone know I am okay, and thank you for all your support!

1 comment:

AP Mommy said...

Yay you're alive! Can't wait to read it all - you will be missed tonight, maybe you can write a blog (or an email) on your thoughts of Belong to Me and we can discuss them via "satalite" hehe - or if you like around 11pm your time sign on gchat and we'll conference you in. :)