Sunday, May 4, 2008

Now that's a Sunday!

Today was amazing and I am completely exhausted!

I tried biking from my new place in Ravenna to work today, to test things out. I went down 20th and across the Ravenna Park bridge, down the hill by the park and onto the Burke Gilman. I followed the trail to Fremont, where I carried my bike up some stairs onto the Fremont Bridge. I took Dexter to Mercer and was right by Seattle Center. It took less than an hour, so not a bad option. Next I'll be trying going down Roosevelt and Eastlake.

I was impressed with how bike-friendly the route was as a whole. There were a few spots where I made mistakes, but overall I think I'll be able to include biking to work as part of my training (a very small part!).

After biking I walked around Green Lake (5k) and then played a soccer game. I played mid and the whole game, which means I did a LOT of running. Altogether I feel like a did a triathlon (can we substitute soccer for swimming?).

I ended the day with dinner at my dad and Cathy's place in West Seattle and Compline with Danielle. I'm ready to pass out, but given the success of today, I'm feeling confident. I have almost 5 months to train - I feel like I can do this!

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